You’re the Miracle Maker…

You have power to save, You’ve conquered the grave

You’re the Healer, my Deliver

Restoring my sight, by giving Your light

As You take away my pain

Through Your glorious, wondrous name

You are the Miracle… Miracle Maker


CHRIST is a MIRACLE MAKER. He not only restores sight – but He has the power to restore all that we have lost.

There are times I lose SIGHT; times I lose HOPE; times I lose FAITH… but HE has the power to RESTORE what I’ve lost… and He does.

When pride has me stumbling…

Long nights and empty nets

You have always seen me

And your love.. I can never, I will never

I can never, ever forget

I heard a talk a while back about discipleship that really resonated with me. He talked about what Christ’s apostles did after He died. In their anguish and uncertainty of what to do next – they went back to their boats to fish. After all they had experienced and all they had seen – they went back. A phrase he used – “long nights and empty nets” jumped out at me.

I thought about my long nights and empty nets when I have “turned back” in my weakness because things were uncertain or harder thanI thought I could handle. I thought about the cost of discipleship – to push forward with faith into uncertainty and challenge – because we love Him.

He is a MIRACLE MAKER, but do we see the miracles?

Just yesterday I saw You

Took me back 2000 years

To a hill set before You

And I swear I felt Your tears

I saw Your blood-stained tears

I don’t want to waste another memory

I don’t want to drive another nail

Here I see Your arms stretched out before me

Lord, I try… I try but I fail

Then You… You make the way

You’re the Miracle Maker

We do try… and we do fail, but HE MAKES A WAY!

We can see Christ in so many ways. Everyday we can see His love manifest through the hands of others when our eyes are open. It’s not important HOW we see Him – but it changes everything when we do.  Because when we TRULY see Him and realize ALL He has done, and has the power to do for us, it will be the most beautiful, heart-wrenching, introspective, life-changing experience we have.

