original recordings, sheet music, background tracks, song stories and more (click on the album cover)

A message for you…
Hello, I’m the mom (and blessed grandma), of our big, crazy, messy, loving family! I’m also a songwriter and believer in the power of music to heal and bring hope!
We each have our own experiences and perspectives, don’t we?
Our Heavenly Parents were so kind to give us each creative gifts, as a unique way to connect with them, and to help make sense of our lives.
Music is one of the best ways I have found to make that connection with Them!
We are not alone here! We have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who literally has felt every pain and struggle we have, or will ever, go through. He is there for us! He loves us and invites us to follow Him.
Music that invites the Spirit can help develop Christ-like compassion to lighten our burdens and the burdens of others. It can bring His light into our life, and help us see our sisters and brothers the way God and Christ see them.
Over the years, He has not only shed light on what I’m going through, but He’s often given me a glimpse into the heart of others through songwriting.
I’m looking forward to sharing these new songs and perspectives with you and we would love to hear about your expereinces as well.
We all share so many of the same highs and lows, and together we can lift and strengthen one another through this journey of life.
Your perspectives may inspire the next song!
I hope you will feel our Savior’s deep and abiding love through the music we share.
A Tribute to our FATHERS … This world is a better place with a man like YOU!
Click HERE for the video and song story.
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Contains 12 original SONGS! CLICK HERE for more details!
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