Miracle Maker

CHRIST is the MIRACLE MAKER. Who isn’t seeking a miracle? Who doesn’t need divine intervention to help move a mountain in their life? We ALL do!
We try don’t we? To do it all… to be everything for everyone, but ultimately we fail.

We need to rely on HIM to make up for all that we lack, and He does. Maybe it hasn’t happened yet  – but there will come a day where He will redeem and restore and heal and create the miracles we are seeking! Power through Him comes when we move forward as if it has already happened, trusting and having faith that it WILL.❤️

Available Downloads:


Vocals by: Tara, Colette, Kylie, Heidi, Kimberly
Written by: Kimberly Kofoed

Guitars: Jake Workman; Piano: Daniel Blomberg; Drums: Dave Zimmerman

Produced by: Daniel Blomberg and Dave Zimmerman at Noisebox Studios


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